…a new theatrical company based in Zurich founded by director and composer Daniil Posazhennikov and actress Regina Raimjanova. This theater invites independent artists to collaborate, strive to find identity in European contexts, explore the economic platform for the existence of art, and try to reveal the presence/spirit of other side (audience)

…before, Daniil leading a musical theater company Geometry of Sound, and his recent productions, a piece for the Venice Biennale and a documentary opera for the Gulag History Museum in Moscow (two National Theatre Award nominations)


season 2024

quick schedule:

30 June 21:00 Old Crematorium, Zurich LA - MEN - TO 1 / tire(d) baroque piece (free entry)

5, 6, 7 July 20:00 Modern Animals Gallery pseudo—seneca / linguistic mantram (entrance 35 СHF)

starting from September miu off space, repeat performances gemäuer / artifact-piece in the basement

in the process of creation

here in the near future we will talk about the pieces that we have in development, about trials and rehearsals, and share what will become new performances very soon

about us



Daniil Posazhennikov [email protected] @trltrltr (telegram) +41778123422

🧡 🧡 🧡 this is an initiative project that does not have any permanent funding, and supporting is very important to us — you can support us with donations, for current and new productions, as well as our research artistic work — our TWINT (+41778123422) is available for this ...

and we will also be glad to cooperate and co-produce, sooo we stay in touch!
Daniil and Regina 🧡 🧡 🧡