… site-specific production about speaking wall in hidden basement. This immersive experience blends found footage, mockumentary, and video art to create a unique narrative. The central character, the wall, is neither human nor a mere idea; it is an object that reveals cryptic messages through its cracks, exploring themes that span from Renaissance paintings and mythology to media theory and simulacra.

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/simulacra SIMULACRA SImUlACrA SIsimmmmmm

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*…She is not a human being, she is not an idea either. She is an object to write on, she is a crack in the wall though which unclear messages appear /WIR KÖNNEN eifach zusammengehen/::::

The meaning is (can b^e) secondary, but the form is important. It cracks in several points extended over time, reaching to Renaissance paintings and fresca, to the mythology of virgin Maria, to speculation of sign and /simulacra /:::::simulacra.*


daniil posazhennikov / directing, video, set design, dramaturgy regina raimjanova / performing, assistant

new showing are expected from autumn 2024!




